PLS logo 18854E Chassell-Painesdale Road
PO Box 56
Chassell, MI 49916

Entrance: Mid-July 2024
Larger Image (2400x1700 -643 KB)

Member Access to Club Driveway, Ranges, and Club House
  • The club driveway is open to vehicular traffic.
  • All vehicles on club property must remain on graveled areas.
  • The lock on the entry gate has been reset to the combination provided to members for the 2024-25 membership year.
  • The locks on the club house and members' clay thrower are also set to the combination for the 2024-25 membership year.
  • For range closures due to club-sponsored activities, check the list of Upcoming Events below.
  • The club's ranges may be soggy.

Upcoming Events
  • 20 July 2024, Saturday
    Range Familiarization & Safety Session - 10 AM. See Events Page for details.

  • Check the Calendar page (menu at left page margin) for unlisted upcoming events

Regularly Scheduled Events
  • Shotgun Five-Stand Shooting
    Twice-weekly shooting sessions are scheduled for Sundays at 1:00 PM and Wednesdays at 6:00 PM during the 2024 summer season. Check the Events Page for further information.
    - - -
    >Notice: The membership clay thrower is not available for use during 5-Stand sessions on Sunday and Wednesday.

  • Practical Pistol Shooting (IDPA)
    The summer weekly practice sessions of IDPA shooting are scheduled for Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. See the Events Page for more information.
    - - -
    >Notice: Either the pistol pit or the rifle range will be closed for the duration of the sessions.

  • Dynamic Carbine Shooting
    Summer weekly sessions of carbine shooting are scheduled on Fridays for 5:30-7:30 PM. See the Events Page for more information.
    - - -
    >Notice: Either the pistol pit or the rifle range will be closed for the duration of the sessions.

PLSC Announcements
  • Steel Targets for 22 LR
    [img:22steel] For 22 rimfire shooters, steel plinking targets are in place in front of the 50-yard berm on the rifle range.

    Please use ONLY 22 Rimfire ammo when shooting at these targets!

  • Membership
    If you are not a member of the PLSC and wish to join, see the Membership Page. If you were a member last year (May 2023 thru April 2024) and have not yet received information about renewing your membership, you should contact the club Secretary. Link: Club contact information

  • Range Familiarization & Safety Sessions
    New applicants for membership must attend a Range Familiarization & Safety Session. All club members (annual, student, life, senior) must attend a Session at least once every three years. A membership card and gate lock combination will be issued only after timely completion of a session.
      Range Familiarization & Safety Sessions may be shown on the list above of Upcoming Events, and on the Club Calendar. If you cannot attend a scheduled session, convenient times can usually be arranged by contacting the Club Secretary. (Club contact information)

  • Club Photo Gallery
    The website now includes a photo gallery of club activities and interests. It may be accessed with the "Gallery" link on the menu. If you have a set of photos of club activities or suggestions for additions and improvements, please contact website maintenance (Club contact information)

  • Portage Lake Sportsmen's Club on Facebook
    A Facebook page has now been set up for the club. Here's a link to the page: PLSC on Facebook.  Please contact the Club Secretary with suggestions and constructive comments. (Club contact information)

National Rifle Association:
  • Read NRA Daily Notices (link)

  • Read the NRA Club Connection magazine (link)

  • Join the NRA at a discount through PLSC
        [img:joinNRA]  LINK

Copyright © Portage Lake Sportsmen, Inc. All rights reserved - 14Jul24